School is open from: 9am – 2.40pm
The Board of Management and Staff of the School are responsible for the safety of the children during these hours.
Extreme care is needed when coming into the School Car Park. The following guidelines are necessary to ensure School safety at the beginning and end of the School Day.
Car Park 1 (Nearest the School): Buses only
Car Park 2 (Entry via 1st School Gate): Parents/Staff
Parents collecting children are asked to use Car Park 2
for parking as main door is used as an exit for pupils.
Pupils are supervised during break-time and dinner-time but accidents still may occur. Minor accidents will be treated by the designated Teachers on duty. If an accident of a serious nature occurs, Parents will be contacted. In the event of a parent being uncontactable, the Pupil will be brought to a Hospital for treatment and the Parent when contacted will come directly to the hospital. Please ensure that the School has an up-to-date daytime Contact telephone number for you and an alternative emergency contact number.
If your child is ill, school is not the place for them, other children may pick up an infection. As the main school does not have a nurse, class cannot operate effectively if there is a sick child in the room. Please administer any type of short term medication at home eg Calpol, antibiotics & ointment.
The School is no longer able to allow transport of medication through school enroute to/from Respite house. Please check school bags to make sure there is no medication in them.
All Pupils from Juniors to Seniors must wear a School Uniform. The School tracksuit and runners must be worn on PE and Swimming Days. Pupils in the Junior Corridor may wear the School tracksuit as a School uniform, if more practical. Clothing should be clearly marked with the Pupils name. A full set of spare clothes must be brought daily by each Pupil if requested by teacher.
Healthy eating habits are an essential part of the Pupils’ education. For small break, please provide a small healthy snack for your child, with no sweets, bars, chewing gum, fizzy drinks, biscuits or crisps! For example one ½ sandwich or piece of fruit or yogurt (please supply a spoon) and small juice.
We continue to have school dinners, part sponsored by the Department of Social Protection and the remainder paid by the parents. We would like to remind parents who have requested school dinners and who owe money for same that everybody needs to “come on board” and pay to make it viable.
Please note children may not be able to eat a dinner if snack is too big. Small snacks only please.
Home work:
The Home-School Notebook is a two way means of communication. It facilitates the fostering of good communication links between Parents and the School. If you have any questions for the teacher please write in home-school notebook.
The news drawing book (blue) helps your child to learn to communicate, please fill this in each night as it is a great way of fostering Language Skills.
The Board of Management of the School is obliged to forward the names of any Pupils, who are absent for 20 days or more in a School Year, to the National Education Welfare Board. We are also requested to register the type of absence e.g. sickness, holidays, unexplained.
Please explain your childs absence using the record of absences slips provided at the back of this newsletter, cut and send in these in the two way notebook.
Parent-Teacher meetings:
Parents will be notified, at the beginning of each year, of Parent-Teacher meetings organised to compile Individual Educational Plans for each student.
Please ensure your child has a warm waterproof coat with a hood for attending P.E., Swimming, Nature Walks, going to Mass or Special Olympics. Please put your child’s name on his/her property i.e. coats, school bags, hats, lunch boxes, swim bags, swimming gear, shampoo and shower gel.